Seni Nan Gombang 2017

Saturday & Sunday 1 & 2 April 2017

at the ASEAN/Southeast Asian Night Market on the Wellington Waterfront

Seni Nan Gombang, an innovative music, dance and theatre company, visited Aotearoa/New Zealand from West Sumatra, Indonesia to showcase indigenous music and dance along with new compositions.

Their dance and music included repertoire drawn from the natural environment of the South Coast. Home to the endangered Sumatran tiger and the black siamang gibbon, their homeland borders the Barisan Ranges of the great Sumatran rain forest. The dance style Sentak Ilau depicts the tiger dance, dedicated to the highly revered tigress, which is a symbol of their culture. Minangkabau people whakapapa through their mother’s line and women hold a strong place in West Sumatra.

They performed four times at the SE Asian Night Market to great acclaim and gave a free workshop at the NZ School of Music on Tuesday 4 April.

Seni Nan Gombang were proudly supported by Asia New Zealand Foundation, GNS Science and the Indonesian Embassy, Wellington.