by Jo Hilder | Jan 13, 2025 | 2025, Events, Events Recent
Monday 13 January, Tākina Convention Centre, Wellington The 48th World Conference for the International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance (ICTMD) was held in Wellington in January 2025. Music and dance from Java and Bali was well represented at this significant event. Our Javanese gamelan, Gamelan Padhang Moncar collaborated with dancers from Triadhika Productions, Jakarta in presenting two dances with live music: Gambyong Parianom and Srimpi. Gamelan Padhang Moncar also performed Nusantara Indah (karya Dedek Wahyudi). Dancers from Triadhika Productions perform Gambyong Parianom (Photo: Hendra Yudha) Srimpi dancers from Triadhika Productions (Photo: Soyam Dean) Mahdi Bahar, from Jambi University, Sumatra, performed a selection of dendang Minangkabau songs, on the rabab darek with Megan Collins on vocals. Mekar Bhuana, a New Zealand/Balinese gamelan and dance centre, also presented Balinese dance with live music as well as concerts of selonding music and gender wayang at the conference. Putu Evie Suyadnyani and Ayu Reehanna Wandira from Mekar Bhuana Mekar Bhuana perform gender wayang Mekar Bhuana Selonding...
by Jo Hilder | Oct 13, 2024 | 2024, Events Recent
Sunday 13 October 2024, 7pm Adam Concert Room, New Zealand School of Music, Victoria University of Wellington Kelburn Campus The 2024 students of Javanese gamelan (PERF255) at the NZ School of Music (tutored by Budi S. Putra) presented their final recital. Gamelan Wellington also celebrated 50 years of gamelan in Aotearoa. Grace Lawrence receives the Indonesian Embassy gamelan prize for 2024 PERF255 Student on demung Gamelan Padhang Moncar Gamelan Taniwha Jaya The concert also included items from Gamelan Padhang Moncar and Gamelan Taniwha Jaya. Guest dancer, Veronica Agustin Dyah performed Tari Pendet with Gamelan Taniwha Jaya, and a masked dance to the music of Asmaramurka by Nanang Karbito. Tari Pendet Tari Pendet Mask dance Mask dance All photos courtesy of Maxie Caseando...
by Jo Hilder | Oct 6, 2024 | 2024, Events Recent
Sunday 6 October, 11am-3pm Te Papa Tongarewa, Level 4 - Rongomaraeroa (the marae) We celebrated 50 years of gamelan in Aotearoa New Zealand with this day of music and dance performances from many parts of Indonesia. Gamelan Padhang Moncar and Gamelan Taniwha Jaya accompanied dancers by students from Indonesia who also performed other dances interspersed throughout the day to recorded music. Our Javanese director, Budi Putra, led an interactive angklung session. Guest performers were: Puspawarna Gamelan – Javanese gamelan from Dunedin Udgita Canda/ University of Canterbury Gamelan – Balinese gamelan from Christchurch Sanggar Pertiwi – Indonesian dance group from Auckland Sekolah Menengah Atas Taruna (SMAT) Krida Nusantara – Dancers and angklung from a high school in Bandung, Indonesia Veronica Agustin Dyah - Indonesian dancer Performances included: Tari Pendet - Balinese welcome dance by SMAT dancers accompanied by live music from Gamelan Taniwha Jaya Nusantara Indah by Dedek Wayudi (dancers from SMAT Krida Nusantara accompanied by Gamelan Padhang Moncar) Kompyang by I Wayan Lotring & an arrangement of Seketi (Gamelan Taniwha Jaya) Ladrang Wilujeng, Langgam Aja Lamis, Ladrang Gegot etc (Puspawarna Gamelan from Dunedin) Baris Bebarongan and Tabuh Petegak Lonceng (University of Canterbury Gamelan) Dances: Lenggang Puspika and Belibis Dance (Sanggar Pertiwi from Auckland) Dances: Bona Jeges (Batak) and Perang (Kalimantan) (SMAT Krida Nusantara) JaBaLan - Balinese & Javanese gamelan together with the voices of Joko Susilo and Budi S. Putra Also on display were beautiful Indonesian batik fabrics and two of the antique instruments from the first gamelan to arrive in Aotearoa in 1974. This event was a collaboration between the Embassy of Indonesia, Gamelan Wellington, the NZ School of...
by Jo Hilder | Aug 17, 2024 | 2024, Events Recent
Saturday 17 August 2024 Shed 6 on the Wellington Waterfront Gamelan Padhang Moncar and Gamelan Taniwha Jaya performed at the Indonesian Festival, Nusantara in Aotearoa, hosted by the Indonesian embassy for the 2024 Independence Day celebrations. Gamelan Taniwha Jaya was joined by special guest I Gusti Ngurah Agung Surya Pradipta performing the Balinese mask dance, Topeng...
by Jo Hilder | Mar 13, 2024 | 2024, Events Recent
Wednesday 13 March, 6-7pm in the Asia-Pacific Music Studio (MS303) at the New Zealand School of Music (Gate 7, Kelburn campus) This one-off workshop was led by experienced members of Gamelan Taniwha Jaya – the Balinese gamelan housed at NZSM, brought to NZ by Gareth Farr. The perfect number of participants (about 18) learned about the instruments, how the music is put together and played a short section of a traditional piece, Baris....
by Jo Hilder | Mar 10, 2024 | 2024, Events Recent
Te Papa, Wellington Foyer, Level 2 Sun 10 Mar 2024, 10.30–1.30 We kicked off celebrations of our 50th anniversary of the arrival of gamelan in Aotearoa with performances and public workshops at Te Papa. Gamelan arrived in New Zealand in 1974, when ethnomusicologist Allan Thomas brought a centuries-old gamelan set of instruments from Cirebon on the north coast of West Java. Check out our history page for more information. Fifty years later (2024) the gamelan has become an integral part of what is now New Zealand School of Music Te Kōki at Victoria University of Wellington Te Herenga Waka. From those beginnings in the mid-70s, there are currently at least six active gamelan ensembles throughout New Zealand. Programme of the day: 10.30am–11.00am: Short intro concert 11.15am–12.00pm: Workshop (booking required) 12.30pm–1.30pm: Concert and hands-on opportunities Performers: Budi S. Putra (director), Megan Collins, Marie Direen, Judith Exley, Faris Fairusham, Desi Haliyati, Jo Hilder, Alisa Hogan, Josh Hyslop, Mike Jones, Hasil Maksud, Paul Nuttall, Eddie Ramirez, Greg Street Supported by the Indonesian Embassy in...