Our CDs

Naga Cover

Naga: Our latest release through Rattle Records features new music from our 2013 tour to Indonesia. Works by Gareth Farr, Jack Hooker, Briar Prastiti, Megan Collins, Jason Erskine, Tristan Carter, Annika Naschitzki, and Anton Killin. $25

Now I KnowCover Only

Recordings of our 2007 Yogyakarta Festival programme of new compositions by Gareth Farr, Jack Body, Chris Watson, I Wayan Gde Yudane and others for Javanese and Balinese gamelan with winds and voice. $15 + P&P

Gamcd6 Waljinah

Javanese diva, Waljinah, with her kroncong ensemble (Bintang Surakarta), Gamelan Padhang Moncar, and Fracas saxophone trio. Recorded during the Wellington Jazz Festival, October 2003. Bonus kroncong tracks arranged and recorded by Bambang Heri Santosa, musical director of ‘Bintang Surakarta’. $15 + P&P

Gamcd5 St Cecilia

Lou Harrison’s Mass for Saint Cecilia, celebrating the Patron Saint of Music and women musicians. With arrangements and additional composition by Jack Body, Budi Putra, Karen Plimmer, and others. Performed by the Choir of the Sacred Heart Cathedral and Gamelan Padhang Moncar with soloists, Madeleine Pierard, Leila Adu-Gilmore and Josie Burdon, and Su Yi on harp. $15 + P&P


Agus And Friends CD Cover

Collaborative compositions and improvisations, with Agus Supriawan (West Java) artist-in-residence at Victoria University’s School of Music, 2000. Also available through the SOUNZ website, where you can also hear samples. $15 + P&P

Gamcd4 Rafiloza

Collaborative compositions and improvisations, plus traditional rabab Pasisia from Minangkabau. Rafiloza bin Rafii (West Sumatra) artist-in-residence at Victoria University’s School of Music, 1999. $15 + P&P


Selections from the 1999 BEAT! International Festival of Gamelan, 2000. Gamelan Padhang Moncar perform works by Farr, Norris, Singer, Carle, MacDonald, Carey, Sanders, Collins, Budi Putra. Second CD features live performances from visiting Gamelan ensembles, including Warogus, Suara Naga, Gamelan Banyu Gunung Salju, Lasalle Gamelan, Auckland Gamelan, Otago Univeristy Gamelan, DOME, Trio Madois, a Gender Wayang ensemble, and performers Rahayu Supanggah, Joko Sutrisno, Budi Putra, Midiyanto, Joko Susilo, Rafiloza, and members of Son of Lion. See also the SOUNZ webpage for this CD for samples you can hear. $25 + P&P

CD Tabuh Pacific

Tabuh Pacific (1996). Works by Farr, Fletcher, Collins, Exley, Carey, Fairley, Norris. With Victoria University Orchestra (conducted by Peter Walls) and pianist Dan Poynton. See also the SOUNZ webpage for this CD for samples you can hear. $15 + P&P (out of print)